Sunday, January 29, 2017

Simple 5 Step Exercise Plan for Fibromyalgia

Simple 5 Step Exercise Plan for Fibromyalgia

It is Never Too Late To Start Exercising

Wanting to be more active? Well, here is an Simple 5 Step Exercise Plan for Fibromyalgia.  Fibromyalgia survivors of any age can help reduce the discomfort and fatigue often associated with fibromyalgia by exercising regularly.  It's never too late to start. There's no one size fits all strategy for exercise. The simple changes that you begin today are the ones that go a long way to helping you stay healthy.  Once you've consulted with a physician, there are 5 simple steps to follow to get the most out of making physical activity a part of daily life.
Step 1 is to select the desired activity. The initial goal is to find something that feels good to you. The best exercise is one you'll keep doing.  This means selecting an activity that you would love to do and not dread.  Begin by exploring some of the gentler forms of physical activity.  Yoga and Tai Chi are a wonderful place to start.  As well as considering low impact activities, such as, aqua fitness classes, swimming, cycling, dancing or even walking. Any activity that gets the body up and moving is great.  These types of activities are simple to modify to suit individual needs.

Commit to A Routine and Prepare In Advance

Step 2 is to find an accountability partner. To help you stay committed to your routine, try to recruit a coworker, friend or family member to act as your accountability partner.  Having a friend to exercise with helps motivate you and keeps you going when your willpower fails. You don't even have to have a person alongside of you in order to benefit from the relationship. Just having someone offering encouragement and checking your progress will go a long way.  A word of caution though- avoid getting caught up in the trap of having someone else coerce you into doing something you really aren't committed to pursuing.  Take control of your life by ensuring that you get a say in what you are going to do.  Another option to consider is implementing an accountability partner in the form of a personal diary or your Smartphone. There are various apps out there that give a variety of options to record daily food intake, weight goals, and exercise.  It's a fun and easy tool to use. The point is that a written record of your plans and progress keeps you on track better. It's easier to reflect upon your accomplishments and goals when you've committed them to paper.
Step 3 is to prepare in advance.  Get into the positive habit of putting your workout clothes out the night before so you see them first thing in the morning. This now becomes your own personal signal and reminder to honor your commitment to a healthier and happier you.  Also consider listening to your iPod while exercising.  Research has found that those who exercise listening to music stay active longer without realizing it. Inspiring music or lectures can help you stick with your game plan making your exercise routine that much more enjoyable. Finally, ensure that you are properly hydrated.   Not only does drinking water prior to activity flush out toxins it also helps to decrease the frequency and intensity of any fibro flare-ups.  Give your body a fighting chance by staying hydrated.

In The Company of Mother Nature

Step 4 is to get outside whenever possible. Research studies have shown that people are more apt to stick with an exercise routine if they exercise out in the fresh air especially if they are in the company of Mother Nature. Outdoor activities often require less effort to get going. No need to have to head off to the gym or pool at a specific time. Just pop out the door when you're in the mood and you're on your way. The good news is that you don't have to train like crazy for your body to benefit. Anything that gets the heart beating faster will do the trick. During your routine you should break into a light sweat and feel like you are slightly out of breath but still be able to carry on a conversation. You could even get out in the garden to get some exercise. Raking, planting and digging are all mild forms of exercise that'll provide you with physical benefits down the road.
Step 5 is to not forget to warm up and cool down.  When you have fibromyalgia it's important to take the time to ease into and out of your activity routines. Any activity whether it is going for a walk, gardening or swimming should include time before and after for slowly stretching out the muscle groups in a controlled manner. With greater range of motion and flexibility you'll be able to enjoy your activity to a greater extent.  You should also begin and end each activity session with a reduced level of exertion.  This allows the body to gradually adapt to the stress of exercise and to flush out built up toxins in the muscles afterwards. This is a key factor for fibro survivors.  Ease into and out of the routine so that you are able to recover and improve your state of health faster. By keeping these 5 steps in the back of your mind when setting up your activity program you're more likely to stick with it and enjoy the long-term benefits that physical activity can bring to your daily life.

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